EnergyU is often used for Operator Qualification (OQ). Training and testing associated with OQ is monitored and enforced in accordance with Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 192 Subpart N and 195 Subpart G. Participating in any activity that could compromise the integrity of EnergyU online training, testing, or evaluations is strictly prohibited and could result in a regulatory violation. Examples of prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
  • Communicating or receiving prior knowledge of test contents.
  • Using unauthorized notes, references, materials, or electronic devices during a test or evaluation.
  • Accepting unauthorized assistance during a test or evaluation.
  • Copying or recording any training or testing materials.
By logging in to EnergyU, individuals acknowledge adherence and understanding as outlined below.
  • I agree to comply with my company’s policy concerning the use of resources and reference materials during any EnergyU online test or evaluation.
  • I agree not to accept or solicit help from others to answer any EnergyU online test question or complete an evaluation step.
  • I understand violations of Title 49 CFR 192 Subpart N or 195 Subpart G can result in significant civil penalties.
  • I understand violations of the OQ testing process could result in adverse actions under my company’s testing policies.

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DO NOT start a knowledge test unless you have sufficient time to complete it. If a KNT course session is ended for any reason prior to receiving a passed or failed score, the KNT course status will change to “In Progress” and your EnergyU Company Administrator will be required to reset the course.

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 Learners, please contact your company administrator.
, please visit EnergyU Support.